Chrysalis Bancho: Deku - Chapter 50 - PinketteSFX - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)

Chapter Text

"Mama! Papa!" shouted the excitable young boy, "It happened! It happened!" his toothy grin lit up the whole room. "I have my Quirk!"

"That's wonderful, darling!" said his mother, beaming with joy and pride at her young son. "Oh, how I wish I'd been there to see it!"

"All the kids at school were so amazed! Watch! Watch!" he said, the boy taking the time to focus. His hands vanished in wispy smoke, and in their place, the heads of two wolf's pup appeared instead, barking excitedly as his mother clapped at the demonstration.

His father was not one to show much emotion, although the boy knew he was his progenitor's whole world. When the man stood up from his chair, the strongest man in the world to him, and lifted his young son in his arms, the boy could scarcely contain his excitement as he saw a smile on his father's face.

"Kursk. Today you have taken your first step into adulthood." the man proudly said. "We Nesuferi come from a long and illustrious line of Quirk users. From the very dawn of Quirks, we have stood apart from others due to our innate power. Whether Heroes or Villains, or somewhere in between, the Nesuferi have forged their own paths with their own might. Listen to me well, my son. The blood of conquerors and great warriors has bestowed upon you a Quirk above other Quirks. It is your birthright. Proof of our bloodline. With it, whether you accomplish deeds of kindness or evil, you are certain to achieve greatness beyond compare."

The boy's eyes widened, alight like stars at the pride and confidence welling up inside of him.

"Honey, you're being a bit overly dramatic, aren't you?" chuckled his mother. "He's only five years old; don't go filling his head with crazy ideas!"

"Ah! You're right." chuckled his father. "I guess I just got swept up in the moment!"

As his parents laughed, the young Kursk kept the gleam in his eyes.

His birthright.

The gift of his bloodline.

He was surely destined for great things.

"Gah-!" shouted the young miscreant. "Wh-What's with this crazy kid!"

"L-Let's get the heck outta here!" shouted the other boy, and the two older kids soon made their escape.

And there stood Nesuferi Kursk, age 9, victorious once again.

"W-Wow! That was incredible, Nesuferi-kun!" said one of the classmates who had been to rudely bullied by the whimpering older kids, a curved horn stocking out from one of his shoulders.

"Th-Those were middle schoolers, and you barely broke a sweat beating them up!" said the other boy he saved, his hair sticking up like a pillar.

"Hmph! Trash like that is nothing for a Nesuferi." said the young Kursk, the wolf heads in his hands vanishing in a puff of smoke.

"Your Quirk is amazing! I wish my Quirk was that strong..."

"Yeah. Even my older brother couldn't square up to you, and his Quirk is really strong too!"

Kursk scoffed. "This is only natural. Us Nesuferi have always been on a league of our own, and I am the latest in a line of great warriors!" he said, raising a fist in complete confidence. "There is nothing I can't achieve! And no one I can't beat! When I grow up, I'm going to become the greatest Hero the world has ever seen!"

"E-Even greater than All Might!?"

"That's a pretty tall order..."

"Hmph! All Might?" Kursk grinned. "All Might will be nothing but a distant memory when I grow up! I will become a shining beacon of justice that will eclipse even the Symbol of Hope himself!"

"Wooow!" the two boys' eyes sparkled in admiration. "We'll be cheering you on all the way, Nesuferi-kun! No- Nesuferi-sama!"

"Please let us help you, Nesuferi-sama!"

The young Kursk smirked, crossing his arms. "Very well! You two will become my faithful underlings. Stick with me, and you will experience the greatness the Nesuferi bloodline brings!"

"Yay! Yay, Nesuferi-sama!"

Kursk grinned at the adoration thrown his way, his eyes sparkling.

This was the gift of his bloodline...

"I'm home!"

Nesuferi Kursk. 12 years old.

"I've got a big test next week, so I'm gonna be studying for—"

"Oh, honey! Come here, for a second!" his mother called. "There's someone you should meet first."

Kursk blinked. While he had his whole studying schedule planned out, he wasn't going to do something as bratty and disrespectful as tell his mother he couldn't spare a few seconds to just say hi to someone. He walked over to the living room where his mother and father were sitting. And along with them was a third figure: very small, nearly vanishing inside the Deep Dope branded hoodie she was wearing. It took only a quick glance for Kursk to recognize the ancestral traits of the Nesuferi in the girl; the pale, almost blue skin, and their wine-red eyes. Even her strong chin spoke of their proud lineage.

"You remember how we said a cousin of yours would come live with us for a time, right?" his mother asked.

"Ah, that's right. I thought she wouldn't arrive until tomorrow." Kursk said. "Then you must be Moriko-chan, right? It's a pleasure to meet another family member." he said with a friendly smile, extending his hand out to a member of his family (even if she was thrice removed).

The girl didn't respond. Not with any words, anyway. She just gave a short grunt of confirmation, and lazily shook his hand. Definitely not the strong, proud handshake he had come to be used to from members of his family.

"Moriko-chan's just a little shy; I'm sure she's happy to see you too." his mother said with a light chuckle. "I know you were planning on studying, but could you help Moriko-chan unpack first? Your father and I need to work on dinner for four now!"

"It's not a problem." Kursk nodded, and took note that Moriko seemed to have brought rather little luggage with her, which meant this wouldn't last for very long anyway. "Follow me, I'll show you to the guest bedroom where you'll be staying." he said as he picked up two of Moriko's suitcases, while she carried only the bag on her back as they walked up to the second floor of the house.

The guest bedroom had been well prepared for the arrival of its new occupant, as his mother had lovingly cleaned it and kept the style as bland as possible so Moriko could decorate it however she wished. Kursk placed down the luggage by the foot of the bed, while Moriko simply threw her bag across the room, and immediately jumped atop the bed, covers and all, and brought out her phone to start mindlessly scrolling.

Kursk couldn't help but frown slightly. As a Nesuferi, she should be showing a bit more decorum, and at the very least thank him for helping her. Still, he tried not to judge her too harshly; she was now living far away from home, so perhaps some growing pains were to be expected. She was still a member of the Nesuferi family, and he should do his best to greet her into his home.

"I presume you had a safe trip here?" he said.

"Mh..." was her response.

"Is the room to your liking?"


"..." he lightly exhaled. "I understand this must be a complicated time for you. To leave the homeland, and travel all the way to Japan; you must be a bit overwhelmed."

"Not really." she finally uttered real words.

"Underwhelmed, then?" Kursk said with a light chuckle. "I've had the honor of visiting the homeland last year. Indeed, though I quite enjoy Japan, there is little that compares to the great majesty of the Carpathian nights."

"I guess so." Moriko shrugged, which did get Kursk to frown slightly. To act so nonchalant about their ancestral land felt highly disrespectful to their family's legacy there.

Still, perhaps he should be more forgiving. Though they were family, they were still total strangers to one another, so expecting Moriko to open up right away was perhaps putting his cart before the horses.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" he asked.

"I'll handle it later, thanks..." she said in the same bored tone. Well, at least she thanked him at last.

"Very well." he nodded. "Dinner will be at 21:00. If you wish to take a bath beforehand, I ask you do so between 19:30 and 20:00, as the 20:00 to 20:30 time is allotted to me."

"I'm good..." she lazily waved.

His frown returned as he took another glance at his cousin. Her hoodie was stained in multiple places, her skirt torn and frayed, and the bottom of her socks a dark brown, as if she'd been walking through dirt without any shoes. Though he wouldn't say her odor was foul, there was a noticeable musk reaching his nose, no doubt from the lengthy plane trip she'd taken to get here.

"Are you sure?" he pushed, "Spending that many hours cooped up in a plane is quite uncomfortable. Surely a warm bath would be appreciated."

"Never really liked baths." she lazily stated. "More of a shower person."

"We also have a shower, of course..."

"I'll shower in the morning then..." she lazily stated.

Kursk raised an eyebrow. Though he realized he was being quite pushy, to join at the dinner table smelling like that was just unacceptable. "Why not shower now?"

"Because I'll shower in the morning." she simply answered. "What's the point in showering this close to bedtime if I'll only go again when I wake up?"

He didn't answer. Truthfully, she had a point in that regard. "...I simply think it's in poor form to sit at the dinner table in such... condition."

Now Moriko finally looked up from her phone. " sayin' I stink?"

"There is a certain odor emanating from you, yes." Kursk plainly answered. "You must've caught it on the plane ride."

She grabbed her hoodie, sniffing it curiously. "Probably just my clothes. I'll swap out of them when it's time for dinner." she said just as plainly, diverting her focus back to her phone.

Kursk let out another exhale. He supposed it was better than nothing. "Very well. I'll be in my room studying. I ask that I do not be disturbed."

"Oh yeah... You're some kinda genius, aren't you?" she said with a lazy grin on her face, even while she still wouldn't look up at him.

"...I have been called that, yes." Kursk said. "I'm merely blessed by the Nesuferi bloodline."

This earned him a snort from Moriko. "You're sounding like my father now."

"It's the truth." Kursk said. "We Nesuferi come from a long and historic line of—"

"Great warriors, scholars and leaders; blah blah blah, I've heard the speech." Moriko waved it off. "I've heard the speech."

Kursk's eyebrow twitched again. "Of course, it's not simply our grand legacy, as the Nesuferi marry only the finest. My mother's family is quite impressive in its own right."

"..." Moriko glanced up at him for a second time, her expression flat. "Is that right..."

"Indeed." Kursk said, a smile appearing on his face as he clearly took great pride in talking about his family. "Though less so than the Nesuferi, of course. I strive to embody everything great that our bloodline has to offer; to become a great warrior, scholar, and leader of men. Always proud of my roots, and fair to those beneath me. A paragon of high class and culture."

This earned him a louder snort from Moriko. "Are you for real, dude?"

Kursk frowned, looking back at his cousin. "Yes, I am 'for real'. You're a Nesuferi as well; surely you must feel the same pride and desire to live up to the examples of our great ancestors."

Moriko just stared at him with a dull, flat look. " do know why I'm here, right?"

"Eh?" Kursk blinked. "I seem to recall something being said about you wanting to experience life in Japan, nearer your next of kin."

" that the excuse they gave?" Moriko bitterly chuckled. "Gotta hand it to the old man. He'll even lie to his own family just to save face."

"What do you mean...?"

Moriko sat up on the bed, looking properly at him. "Coming here wasn't my choice. The old man just tossed me here to save himself the embarrassment of explaining me."

Kursk blinked, looking more confused. "I'm afraid I don't follow..."

"Let's just say your 'paragon of high class and culture' uncle has a special thing for ladies of the night." Moriko said with a lazy grin. "And that's how he got stuck with me."

This caused Kursk to flinch. "I-Impossible! Such behavior is beneath a proud member of the Nesuferi family! He's a married man, last I heard..."

"If you can even call it a marriage." laughed Moriko. "Daddy and 'mommy' are more frigid to each other than a pair of penguins. They're just together to keep up appearances, because God forbid a Nesuferi be involved in a bitter divorce."

"That's right! It's simply unheard of!" Kursk insisted.

"And of course, if news ever got out that their only daughter came from some 'gutter trash' harlot, why that simply cannot happen!" Moriko said, sarcasm absolutely dripping from her voice. "It's much easier to send her to the ass-end of the world, and keep her far, far away from the public eye."

"Enough!" Kursk finally huffed. "I don't know where you got these stories from, but I assure you, there isn't an inkling of truth to them! The Nesuferi family is above such... such... petty barbarities!"

"Believe what ya want, dude." Moriko shrugged before leaning back on her bed again. "Dig deep enough into any family, and you're bound to find plenty of skeletons in their closets."

Kursk didn't deign that with an answer. He simply turned around and walked straight out of the room, silently fuming. To think, a member of his own family would speak such filth about them. He expected that from jealous commoners, but not from someone who shared the same blood as he. Just what was her problem?

"Hey, Kursk..." said the teenager with the curved horn on his shoulder, "Isn't that your cousin over there?"

Kursk, age 14, glanced up from his school textbook, looking out the window of the coffee shop he and his friend were in. "Yes, that's her."

"Man, she gives me the creeps..." said the boy with the horn. "Like, you get what I mean, right? You do live with her."

"I'm afraid I don't." Kursk said. "She's more infuriating than 'creepy', to be perfectly honest."

"Man, I dunno what it is. I mean, I've met your extended family; no offense, but the Nesuferi make for some pretty intimidating people..."

"I take it as a compliment, actually."

"But something about that girl just sends shivers down my spine..." the boy said. "Plus, there's all those rumors about her beating up older guys... I guess you two have that in common, at least."

"Now that, I take offense to." said Kursk. "We are nothing alike. First of all, those rumors haven't a grain of truth to them. Moriko is clearly content with living a life of mediocrity, ill-befitting a Nesuferi. Sometimes I find it hard to believe we even share the same blood."

"Harsh, man..." said the other boy, before he glanced back out the window. "Wh-What the hell!? Dude, look!"

"...?" Kursk blinked, looking back over to the street where Moriko was... but who was now being accompanied by another girl; older, with raven-black hair except for a lengthy red highlight that stretched all the way down to her heels. "What's wrong?"

"Whaddaya mean! You're saying you don't know who that is?" the boy said, sounding even more nervous. "That's Asamiya Buffy! She's the leader of the local Card Gang!"

Kursk blinked in surprised. "A Gang Boss?" he looked back out the window, worried for a moment, but the two girls seemed to be rather affable around each other. "What could such a ruffian want with my cousin?"

"I dunno, but they're looking awfully chummy..." frowned the other boy. "Card Gang operates out of Shionosu. That's where Moriko goes to, isn't it?"

Kursk's eyes narrowed. "Are you implying she may be involved with this Gang?" he scoffed. "Even for Moriko, that would be beneath her."

"You think so...?"

The Nesuferi paused, quietly thinking over his own words. He then looked back out the window, frowning as he saw Moriko and this Buffy girl chatting like they were old friends. He shouldn't care. He had no reason to care.

But he still got up from his seat and left the coffee shop, ignoring his friend's pleas to not get involved.

"Moriko!" he called, getting both girls' attention.

"The hell do you want, Kursk?" Moriko sighed, looking tired just by seeing him.

"Who's the square, Moriko?" asked Buffy with a grin.

"Just my dumb cousin, just ignore him."

"Oh-ho? So this is the famous Kursk-chan, is it?" Buffy said, looking over at the boy. "Weren't you on the news for winning some nerd award last week?"

Kursk's eye twitched slightly at how casual this girl was deciding to be. "It was last month, and it was an award for—"

"I don't really care." said Buffy with a cheery grin, "It's just nice to meet the family of one of my cute underlings!"

"Underling...?" blinked Kursk, before looking at Moriko with a harsh frown. "You've actually gone and joined a Gang? Have you no shame whatsoever?"

"You really wanna talk about shame with that hairstyle, dude?" Moriko shot back, but it didn't seem to phase Kursk much.

"For God's sake, you are a Nesuferi. The name alone puts you above hanging around such vandals."

"Oooh, vandals?" chuckled Buffy, "Never been called that one before! I like the sound of it!"

"Come, Moriko. It seems I have to keep my eyes even closer on you than I already do if this is the caliber of friends you're making."

"Excuse me?" snorted Moriko, "Who died and put you in charge of my life? I can hang out with whoever I want!"

"Don't be preposterous." Kursk sighed, "I will not let the good name of our family be besmirched by you hanging around such delinquents. It was bad enough when you could only get into that subpar school, even though if you just put the effort in, I know you could've done much better."

"Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel." chuckled Buffy again.

"As for you-" Kursk turned to the older girl, "I'd appreciate you staying away from my cousin from now on."

"Will you shut the hell up?" Moriko groaned, "Don't talk to Buffy like that! Just get the hell outta here, and leave me alone."

"I refuse." Kursk stood his ground, "If mother and father knew you were hanging out with such ilk, they'd be devastated! You've done enough already to bring shame to our family, I will not let you drag us into the mud this way."

Moriko opened her mouth to retort with some uncouth expletives, but she was interrupted as Buffy clapped her hands.

"Hey, hey, now! I'm sensing some hostility building up here, and all because of lil' ol' me? Let's time out here, chill!" Buffy chuckled. "Look, kid, if it means that much to you..." Buffy said, looking at Kursk who, for a moment, actually thought she'd respect his wishes, "Then why don't we do something about it?"

Kursk raised an eyebrow.

"It's an old Card Gang tradition: might makes right. Right?" Buffy explained, "Just have the two of you get into a fight, and whoever proves themselves the strongest has it their way."

The boy narrowed his eyes. "'s not that I disagree with such a mentality, I just find it unnecessary."


"Moriko and I are on completely different levels. It's obvious which of us would come out on top in a fight."

Buffy tilted her head, then looked over at Moriko, who seemed to divert her eyes from her. "Really now? Because I've seen Moriko fight, you know? She's not half bad at it!"

"Of course she's not; even a mediocre Nesuferi is head and shoulders above the common riffraff that attend your school." Kursk scoffed. "I'm sure she has little problems dealing with delinquents such as yourself, but you and I are also on very different levels. I have been training my body for years, preparing until the day I enter UA's prestigious Hero Course. Moriko, meanwhile, contends herself doing nothing but listening to that awful metal music and stuffing her face with junk food. And even if she wasn't, she would still have no chance against me on account of our Quirks."

This earned a raised from Buffy. "Your Quirks...?"

"Moriko's Quirk is vastly inferior to my own." Kursk said with absolute confidence. "That gives me more than enough of an advantage that, should we fight, I would come out victorious."

Buffy blinked, looking at Kursk with a rather confused expression. "Huh... really? Well, now I'm extra curious to see you two duke it out!"

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not interested in going along with your whims." Kursk bluntly said. "Not only is the outcome obvious, but I refuse to lay my hands on a fellow Nesuferi. Frustrating though they may be..."

"Then fight me." Buffy said with a shrug.

"I won't waste my time." scoffed Kursk.

"Hmm... well, if that's the case..." Buffy then reached for Moriko, pulling her in with one arm wrapped around the younger girl's shoulders. "I'll just have to hold your cute cousin hostage until you accept!"

Kursk just stared flatly at the girl. "You cannot be serious..."

"I'm very serious! Honest!" she said with a grin. "I'll bring Moriko-chan back to my secret Gang hideout, and who knows what me and my band of vandals will do to her!"

Again, Kursk just sighed, clearly annoyed by the older girl's antics. "This is so childish..."

"You can always turn your tail and walk away." Buffy chuckled.

"I shall do no such thing." Kursk said, "Very well, I'll accept your challenge. Under one condition."

"Shoot your shot."

"In addition to never interacting with Moriko ever again..." Kursk said, "When I win, you must also disband your Gang forever."

Moriko flinched at this. "Oi, what the hell makes you think you have the right to-"

She was interrupted as Buffy placed her hand over the other girl's mouth. "Sounds fun! And if I win, Moriko gets to hang out with us for as long as she likes!"

"B-Buffy, I don't think that's a good idea..." Moriko said, her usually detached demeanor being replaced with rarely-seen concern.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Buffy, meanwhile, didn't look at all worried. "I won't let him take away one of my cutest underlings. Not without a fight!" she then focused back to Kursk. "I know just the place we can do this without being interrupted."

"Very well. Lead the way." Kursk said, as stony and unflappable as usual. As Buffy and Moriko started walking away-

"H-Hey, wait up, Kursk!" the one-horned boy said. "I'm coming with!"

"You don't have to be involved in this."

"Hey man, remember what we promised?" the boy said. "I said I'd cheer you all the way, didn't I? This could all be a trap by Card Gang to gang up on you; don't go making me a liar by making me stay behind!"

"..." Kursk actually allowed a brief smile to appear on his face. "If only your legs weren't shaking so much, you'd almost sound impressive there."

"H-Hey, I won't deny I'm scared as hell!" said the boy with a nervous chuckle, "But that doesn't mean I don't want to be by your side when crap hits the fan."

"Very well. I won't stop you." nodded Kursk, "But I suspect this will all be over quick." he confidently said, and continued to follow Buffy and Moriko, unperturbed by the possibility of walking straight into a trap. Hooligans such as this would never be able to stand up to a Nesuferi, no matter how many there were.

That was the gift of their bloodline.

Chrysalis Bancho: Deku - Chapter 50 - PinketteSFX - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2025)


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.